With this agreement the company with the name "KEZQO", which will be called herein lessor, leases to the signatory tenant the electric bicycle listed here, and any other electric bicycle replaces it, in accordance with the following terms and agreements.

Delivery and receipt The tenant receives the 250 Watt electric bicycle in excellent condition, constructed and maintained in perfect harmony with the existing safety provisions of Greek and EU law. The tenant unreservedly states that he examined it himself and found it suitable for the use and the purpose for which he leases it. The tenant is obliged to return to the lessor the electric bicycle and the papers, tools and accessories that accompany it, in the condition in which it was received, in the place from which it was received and in the agreed end time. Otherwise, the tenant will be obliged to pay the normal charge for the out-of-the-agreement use and compensation for any positive and negative damage. The lessor has the right to regain the possession and the use of the electric bicycle at any time, without any notice and without the consent of the tenant from anywhere and by any means, in any case the lessor considers there is risk of damage or loss of the electric bicycle or use in violation of the terms of this contract or of non-payment.


Age, height, and weight limits It is forbidden to rent or use the electric bicycle to people under 15 or over 65 years old. The tenant and every third declared user of the electric bicycle must have a height of more than 1.50m and a weight of less than 110kg for safety reasons. In case of a false statement about the above, the insurance coverage does not apply and further civil liability for compensation of the lessor by the tenant is not excluded.


Registration of personal data and security code The tenant is obliged to declare to the lessor the personal data of him/her and of the other declared to the lessor users of the electric bicycle and to allow the maintenance of this data in the electronic system of the lessor, by the time of the reservation. A security code based on the declared data is provided to the tenant and to each of the other declared to the lessor users.


Security Tenant and declared users are covered by simple liability insurance (personal injury and property damage to third parties) throughout the period of the lease. The insurance coverage is specified in the respective insurance policy for each electric bicycle, a copy of which will be delivered to the tenant upon delivery of the electric bicycle.

It is highlighted that the insurance coverage does not include damage from terrorist acts. The tenant is thus obliged not to participate in any public events and to take measures to protect and maintain the electric bicycle in the condition in which it was received.

Beneficiary of the insurance in case of occurrence of the insurance risk throughout the period of the lease is the lessor, except for any covered risks of death, total or partial disability, hospitalization etc. In these cases, the beneficiary of the respective insurance is the tenant.

For safety reasons, especially in case of emergency, the electric bicycle is equipped with global positioning system and anti-theft alarms.


Prohibited use by non-declared third person The tenant has no right to sublet the electric bicycle or provide the use of it to a third non-declared to the lessor person. If the tenant ignores this prohibition, the insurance coverage will be revoked, and the tenant will be reliable for any damage. The civil liability of the undeclared third person is retained in full, and the third person is involved jointly and severally with the tenant.


Safety Helmet The lessor delivers to the tenant a safety helmet. It is highly recommended to wear it when using the electric bicycle. In case of accident, in which the bicycle user was not wearing a helmet, the insurance coverage may be reduced or excluded.


Minimum time of lease One (1) hour. For each additional hour of delay without written agreement of extension, 1/5 of the daily rate must be paid. An additional daily rate will be charged after three (3) hours delay.


Extension The tenant may extend the lease by informing the lessor and obtaining written approval. Without these formalities, the tenant bears civil and criminal liability for illegal use and possession of the electric bicycle. In case of extension of the lease, the tenant is bound by the terms and agreements of both the original contract and the lease extension agreement, whether it is the same electric bicycle or another, which has been given for replacement.


Earlier return If the tenant returns the electric bicycle to the lessor before the agreed end time of the lease, he has no claim for a refund.


Compliance with the Traffic Code  The tenant and any other declared user of the electric bicycle is obliged to observe the Traffic Code, the provisions for safe driving and the rules of public safety.


Speed limit 25 km/h Any damage caused to the electric bicycle due to non-observance of the above limit is borne exclusively by the tenant. Restriction or exclusion of insurance coverage in the event of an accident, in which the user had exceeded the speed limit is not excluded.


Sanctions Any sanction, penalty or fine imposed on the tenant while using the electric bicycle shall be borne exclusively by the tenant.


Other terms of use The tenant is obliged to take care of the electric bicycle, to keep it in the condition in which it was received and generally to show the diligence of the average prudent user of the road network. Any repair is prohibited without the prior approval of the lessor.


Prohibition of transport It is forbidden to load the electric bicycle on a train, ship or other means of transport without the written approval of the lessor.


Disclaimer of lessor’s liability The tenant expressly agrees that the lessor is not liable for any positive or negative damage suffered by the tenant or a third person during the lease and no claim may be brought against the lessor for the above reason.


Tenant’s liability The tenant has the obligation to compensate the lessor as well as any third party in case of theft, loss or total destruction of the electric bicycle in the amount of one thousand two hundred euros (1,200.00 €).


Personal data The tenant consents to the detailed registration of his personal data on a computer. It is expressly agreed that the lessor has the right to use this information, when the tenant during the lease makes untrue statements or violates the terms of this agreement and to transmit this information to the authorities of the country, in case of suspicion of an offense .


Booking Cancellation Policy Any booking canceled up to 72 hours before the start of the rental period will be refunded. Any booking canceled up to 72 hours before the start of the rental period is non-refundable.



Collection / Delivery a) Collection from the port of Piraeus and the port of Rafina is charged € 10 for each vehicle. b) Delivery to the port of Piraeus and the port of Rafina is charged € 10 for each vehicle.



Opening Hours Receipt outside working hours will be charged € 10. Delivery outside working hours will be charged € 10.


Other terms In any case, owner of the electric bicycle remains the lessor. The tenant acknowledges that he acquires no rights other than those mentioned in this contract. During the lease, anyone else who uses the electric bicycle is jointly and severally liable with the tenant. This agreement takes precedence over any other written or oral agreement between the lessor and the tenant. Any modification of the terms herein is void unless agreed in writing. The tenant agrees and accepts that all the above conditions apply both in the case of the original agreement with the lessor and in cases of extension of the lease or replacement of the initially leased electric bicycle with another. In the event of a dispute between the copies of this agreement, the copy held by the lessor shall prevail. The Contracting Parties recognize and accept all the terms of this agreement as essential and essential for its purposes. This agreement is governed by Greek law and any dispute arising between the lessor and the tenant under this will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in the seat or district of the lessor.


Charges for losses and damages during the rental

• Battery key 12 euros

• Lock key 10 euros

• Mobile base 10 euros

• Mirrors 10 euros

• Strap 8 euros

• Child seat 75 euros

• Stand 25 euros

• Screen 100 euros

• Brake levers 60 euros

• Battery 400 euros


* All prices include VAT.


With each rental you agree to all of the above